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Athens - Where to Eat - Ammos Restaurant

We were so lucky to meet a Greek taxi driver, Basilios. He drove us to this amazing restaurant that we would never have found by ourselves. He said that Onassis loved to eat at these restaurants by the marina. It has such a nice atmosphere.
 As always, the decoration called my attention. Check the napkin holder. 
 I loved the recycled chandeliers. It was full of light bulbs and there were lots of old  kitchen utensils hanging from it.
 This one looks very imposing with old silver cutlery. Notice that the lamps are on old sieves. People can be so creative!
 More lamps in a cheese shreder and over the counter a line of egg beaters as lamps.
 The iron tables are painted in different colours.
 All tables have a different nautical scene covered with glass. They have real sand, shelves, tiny ships etc.
 They have another restaurant with a similar decoration just across the street. 
 The food was wonderful, carefully chosen by Basilios for us. A good choice of sea food, a special Greek bread , the tipical salad topped with feta cheese and a very tasteful yoghurt with cucumber, garlic and olive oil to eat with the bread. Again, the Greek beer that I like a lot. The way they do the barbecue is very typical too. The owner was very nice to offer us a tipical dessert at the end, for free.
 The man in checked shirt is Basilios. Can you believe he stopped in a bakery when I mentioned that I wanted to have a coffee and he bought us a sample of several typical pastries? He bought it with his own money just because he thought we simply had to taste them. Isn't it incredibly nice? He left me his e-mail
sakellaris_basilios@hotmail.com. If you ever go there, get in touch with him.
By the way, the restaurant is reasonably priced. Their site is in Greek 
Address : 44, Akti Koumoundourou str
Zipcode : 185 33
City : Mikrolimano, Piraeus
Phone :  


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