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Grécia - Patmos- São João

Amanh ã  é dia de São João e me lembrei de coisas que aprendi sobre ele durante uma viagem que fiz à Grécia. Ele foi o discípulo mais amado por Jesus, era pescador e irmão de São Tiago. Uma vez, quando ele estava remendando as redes à borda do lago, o Senhor passou perto e disse: "Venham comigo e os farei pescadores de almas". Ele deixou imediatamente suas redes com seu pai e o seguiu.  João Evangelista, Pedro e São Tiago formavam o pequeno grupo preferido que Jesus levava a todas partes e que presenciaram seus maiores milagres. Os três estiveram presentes na Transfiguração e presenciaram a ressurreição da filha de Jairo. Os três presenciaram a agonia de Cristo no Horto das Oliveiras e se encarregaram de preparar a Última Ceia.  A João e seu irmão São Tiago Jesus chamava de "filhos do trovão" devido ao caráter impetuoso de  ambos. Estes dois irmãos vaidosos e de gênio difícil se tornaram humildes, amáveis e bondosos quando receberam o Espírito Santo. João, na Ú...


I've had the opportunity to fullfill my dream of knowing  the Greek Islands, at least a few of them.   Mykonos, Grécia Because the ship doesn't stay long at the ports one can only have a quick glance of the place but it is still worth it. Note this big bird walking around the narrow streets. He then decided to go straight into a restaurant.  Mykonos, Grécia  Mykonos is one of those places I really wish to spend a few more days at. Check out why. Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia   The bars are pretty busy at night, little shops stay open and people stop for a drink to watch the sun go down. Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia   I loved the pavement. Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia Mykonos, Grécia

Athens - Where to Eat - Ammos Restaurant

We were so lucky to meet a Greek taxi driver, Basilios. He drove us to this amazing restaurant that we would never have found by ourselves. He said that Onassis loved to eat at these restaurants by the marina. It has such a nice atmosphere.   As always, the decoration called my attention. Check the napkin holder.   I loved the recycled chandeliers. It was full of light bulbs and there were lots of old  kitchen utensils hanging from it.   This one looks very imposing with old silver cutlery. Notice that the lamps are on old sieves. People can be so creative!   More lamps in a cheese shreder and over the counter a line of egg beaters as lamps.  The iron tables are painted in different colours.  All tables have a different nautical scene covered with glass. They have real sand, shelves, tiny ships etc.   They have another restaurant with a similar decoration just across the street.    The food was wonderful, c...


The first time I saw this huge black mountain with little white houses on the top of it I was speechless. This volcanic island has a circular shape and was colonized by the Minoans in 3000 BC. A massive eruption blew its center and for centuries the volcano was active, building up to 1450 bC explosion. The eruption left a huge crater in the middle (today's caldera). A huge volume of lava was ejected burning and baring Akrotiri. A rush of water into the void created a tsunami which devasted Minoan Crete. The islands of Palea and Nea Kameni emerged after more recent volcanic activities in 197 bC and 1707 aC. They are still volcanically active. Santorini seen from the ship.  We got there by ship. By the way, the ship cannot drop the anchor because the sea is too deep. I guess that is why it has this amazing deep blue color. We then arrived by boat at the very crowded port. Santorini    There are two ways you can go up to the town, Fira. By cable car, which is a l...