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Manaus - a few more tips

Praça Heliodoro Balbi is also called by the locals as Police's Place. In this building below, restored in 2008, is now the Palacete Provincial which holds five museums inside. I didn't have time to visit them but I am sure it is worth the visit. 
Em 2004 a praça também abrigava o prédio do Comando Geral da Policia Militar do Estado, onde outrora existia o Palacete Provincial. Em 2008 o prédio foi restaurado  para ser um dos mais novos espaços culturais da cidade, recebendo novamente o nome de Palacete Provincial que abriga cinco museus em seu interior.
 Close to Praça Heliodoro Balbi there is a real place to try guaraná, the Casa Do Guarana Saterê. Inside this small door, this family business has been doing all kinds of drinks with it and açaí since 1987. Guaraná, açaí, and soy come “in natura” from small producers of the Amazon region. They are brought to the company where they are classified, cleaned, and processed under the supervision of  Food Engineers. 

 Grab a vitamin like the one above (they have a really big menu displayed on the wall) and go to the praça to enjoy it under the shades of the trees. The locals have learned to use guaraná with the ancient tribe Mawés which used it as an energy source that helped them face exhausting hunting times, wars, and hunger. 
Go have a beer at the rotating restaurant on the top of Taj Mahal Hotel. It is certainly the best view from Manaus. You can also see the  Manaus-Iranduba bridge ( 3,6 km long). Read more about the bridge here
 On my second visit to Manaus, I only had one day. This time I went to Restaurante Choupana. Here are the dishes I ordered and enjoyed with the names to help you with Portuguese.
It was nice from the waiter to bring this huge fish to the table when I mentioned I was going to take a picture of the dish.
You can read more about my visits to Manaus HERE,HERE and HERE


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