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Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2011

Embrulho para Presente

Based on the tip I showed in  This Post   I tried it myself for my boyfriend's birthday. He loved it and I thought it looked great too.   And here are some more inspiring ones.

Casa Linda - Great Home - Part II

I had already shown   HERE  the first part of my friend's home. This is her backyard with the pool and barbecue place. The metal structure will be covered with grapevine and thunbergia mysorensis in the future. Aqui está a parte dos fundos da casa da minha amiga, eu já tinha mostrado antes  HERE . O caramanchão já tem parreira e sapatinho de judia plantados. Vai ficar muito lindo. This is the toilet that attends the pool. O banheiro da piscina. The gourmet kitchen is in the back wall of this big living room. Between two wide doors hang two of my paintings. A cozinha gourmet fica no fundo deste salão. Entre as duas portas tem dois quadros meus. I am very proud to be part of such nice decor. Fiquei super orgulhosa por fazer parte deste ambiente tão lindo. Two wooden peacock that were bought in  Tiradentes . O par de pavões de madeira compramos na viagem pra Tiradentes que eu mostrei no link acima. Such a cozy place to have lunch! Olhem que lugar mais aconchegante pr...

Cute Crochet

Lá Em Casa

That's just the kind of image I think looks like my blog. I simply love simple solutions. This image I saw at   Copy & Paste  , a great blog that I follow. Anyway,  the original image is from   Living Inside . Another real simple but creative idea I saw at Copy & Paste. I have been doing a lot of stuff lately. One of them was this TV tray. I bought some cheap pictures of singers in the 1dolar store, took the frame away, and used the hard rectangle for the tray. Then I did four small holes on the corners, covered them with fabric, and used some wood sticks for the handles. The one I had the idea from had bamboo sticks but I could not find them in the right circumference. I also did some new water bottles for my own use. We've had more Johny Walkers than usual this time of the year, hehe.  I added some details at the guestroom, too. I asked for these wooden boxes at the weekly market. They are usually thrown away. They became useful shelves and photo...

Taco Night At Home

My daughter wanted to cook tacos for her boyfriend and we got excited about the table decor. We even wore Mexican dresses. I thought it looked great and wanted to share it with you. By the way, the tacos tasted great. She is such a good cook.

Rede De Dormir - Hammock

Eu ADORO dormir na rede. Nem sabia que havia um jeito correto de dormir.  Bacia das Almas A pequena rede da esquerda tem ajudado bebes prematuros em Minas Gerais. Leia mais aqui  Alimento Saúde Infantil .      Adorei as duas imagens. E eu tinha a maior frustração por não saber encurtar a rede sem dar aquele nó que nunca mais se desfaz. Meu irmão me ensinou e achei uns vídeos pra vocês aprenderem também.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyKP6TZQM7A    e   Como encurtar sua rede de dormir .  Tem gente que gosta tanto que dorme até debaixo do caminhão, hehehe. Pra guardar arrumadinha também tem uma maneira bem legal que aprendi outro dia na casa de um amigo. Enrole no sentido do comprimento e depois puxe alguns fios dos dois lados.  Bem bolado, não acham?

Expondo As Fotos

These I saw at    Sweet Paul   Wrapping Paper - F ind all your holiday photos, old and new, and make them into a collage by simply placing them next to each other on a printer.  Now take that print and go to a print center and copy up larger sheets.  They are quite inexpensive.  You now have your very own holiday wrapping paper.   Photo by Hector Sanchez   Calendar - You will need:  Old photo, a  Calendar (you can find one online), a h ole puncher, and a s tring. Cut out the calendar and glue it together so that you can tear off month after month.  Glue to the picture.  Make two holes on top and fasten with string. Cut out images of your guests and place them on top of a cupcake.  So simply cut it out and glue it on a toothpick. Photo by Hector Sanchez. Find your motive and print it out on lazertran ink paper on your own home printer.  Cut out the motive and place it in water for 15 sec. It will then become a d...