These I saw at Sweet Paul
Wrapping Paper - Find all your holiday photos, old and new, and make them into a collage by simply placing them next to each other on a printer. Now take that print and go to a print center and copy up larger sheets. They are quite inexpensive. You now have your very own holiday wrapping paper. Photo by Hector Sanchez
Calendar -You will need: Old photo, a Calendar (you can find one online), a hole puncher, and a string.
Cut out the calendar and glue it together so that you can tear off month after month. Glue to the picture. Make two holes on top and fasten with string.
Cut out images of your guests and place them on top of a cupcake. So simply cut it out and glue it on a toothpick.
Photo by Hector Sanchez.
Find your motive and print it out on lazertran ink paper on your own home printer. Cut out the motive and place it in water for 15 sec. It will then become a decal that you can place on plates, vases, and everything china. You can even burn it in the oven, so you can eat off your relatives.
Photo by Frances Janisch